October 7 at 5 PM, 2005
October 7 till 28, 2005
CEAC, Xiamen, China
Ivan Fayard Valérie Nréjen
Brigitt Zieger
Renaud Bezy
Stéphanie Nava
Emmanuelle Mafille Ghazel
Chinese European Art Center is proud to present Participate? An exhibition that does not work like other contemporary art shows. It invites the visitor to the gallery to actively engage with the displayed artwork and physically change the exhibition. He or she can thus change wall drawing or paintings by Ivan Fayard, Emmanuelle Mafille or St é phanie Nava. The four artists Ghazel, Val é rie Nr é jen, Renaud Bezy and Brigitt Zieger will each present numerous video work or animations. The visitor can browse these carefully selected time-based pieces and display them according to certain specifications supplied by the artists.
Participate? Offers a fresh way of experiencing exhibition and offers valuable reformulation to what participation means in the broadest meaning of the word. A key part in the project is played by art students from the university in Xiamen . They are continuously present in the exhibition throughout the project and assist and aid the audience in changing the exhibition. The visitor interface has been developed by Ciceron at Linkopings University.
The project develops the experiences from ‘ I am a Curator’ realized by Per H ü ttner at Chisenhale Gallery in London in 2003.
The project is supported by Moderna Museets International Program, Stockholm , the Consulate General of Sweden in Canton and Linkopings University.