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Hanne Tyrmi (1954) is a Norwegian artist who is unafraid of using a variety of visual languages to achieve her goal. She is a visual polyglot who has a reputation for making sculptures, installations, videos and photographic works that invade the emotions like a benign virus. Her work is infectious and contact with it sets in motion a metamorphosis that brings about a healthy resistance to the emotional malaise of our time. There is also a sense of adventure in her work. Something she learnt from going out into the world without fear and with an open mind. For years she lived and worked in Brazil and South Africa and, more recently she moved her studio from Oslo to Xiamen, in order to work in Chinese workshops. She has ventured into the world of art unafraid of its conventional canons and she is willing to address issues many artists would shy away from. Her curiosity is focused on how one’s mind and body react when confronted by certain images and environments, on what happens to the viewer emotionally.
Gavin Jantjes