Artists website
CEAC exhibition
Graduated from University Paul Valery in Montpellier, and University Michel de Montaigne in Bordeaux, France, where she obtained a DEUG in Plastic Arts, a Licence and a Master in Visual Arts, followed by a D.E.A. in with a mention in “Communication, Arts & Spectacle”, Françoise Issaly did 3 years of research for her Ph.D. before moving to Canada in 1993. For more than 20 years she has been involved in the Visual Arts scene as a professional artist, as an art instructor, as a part of the Fine Art Collective North America and as the editor of her own publishing house. She has shown her work both in solo and group shows in Canada (Quebec), USA (Maryland and California) as well as in Europe (France and Germany) and Malaysia (Langkawi Art Biennial). This is her first exhibition in China.