Kjartan Ari Pétursson

Artist website

CEAC exhibition

Born 1972 in Reykjavík, Iceland.

Self-taught artist. From making spur of moment VHS video soap operas (1989-1998) under the influence of paperback novels/occult brochures + magazine ads, motel wallpaper décor and 1930’s-70’s gothic romance, horror and kung fu film posters, involving later into video/computer art and marker pen/ink drawings.

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Visit us

The CEAC art space is located in the heart of Shapowei, the art district of Xiamen.

Opening hours

Tuesday to Saturday

13:00 - 17:30

Visitor information

Siming South Road 400, 3rd Floor
Xiamen, 361005, China
Tel. 0086 (0) 592 2180850

Location map CEAC