Teun Hocks

visual artist

Artist website

Dutch artist Teun Hocks (1947-, Born in Leiden)Hocks ‘s works are different, they are interesting, joyful but they also permeate the meaning of tragedy, sadness or melancholy. Hocks is an artist who is full of temptation and revealing the truth. Our lives are multifaceted. And we often bring face to face wanders, hides our feelings or pretends to be extraordinary. Although the scenes in Hocks’ paintings are almost familiar to us. Yet, but through his works we get a deeper experience, funny, strange, absurd, tragedy.

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Visit us

The CEAC art space is located in the heart of Shapowei, the art district of Xiamen.

Opening hours

Tuesday to Saturday

13:00 - 17:30

Visitor information

Siming South Road 400, 3rd Floor
Xiamen, 361005, China
Tel. 0086 (0) 592 2180850

Location map CEAC