荷兰一分钟影像与中国欧洲艺术中心十分兴奋地呈现全新系列《挤压迷恋按压羞怯》,此系列由 Afra Eisma 和 Marnix van Uum 策展。 21 位艺术家和电影制作人邀请大家深入了解彼此不断变化的思想。光泽中的裂缝,断裂,破裂,开裂,裂口,拍打,粉碎,打击,砰的一声,我们的思想是一个容器。入选的《一分钟》来自中国、比利时、芬兰、法国、希腊、荷兰、苏里南、土耳其、英国和美国。现场的多屏幕装置也提供了一个如万花筒般的整体,其中图像和对话在不同的上下文中呼应,现场有意识地制造的分心邀请观众在电影之间移动,并从获得的印象中提取个人体验。 在此装置中,《挤压迷恋按压羞怯》提供了一个跨越多种感觉的非线性旅程。
Margaret Haines, Bob Demper, Pieter Van Den Bosch, Daisy Madden-Wells, Florent Meng, Hilary Yip, Elina Alekseeva, Kubilay Mert Ural, Gijsje Heemskerk and Sjuul Joosen, Foteini Makri, Alejandra López, Mimi Shi Co., Ltd, Cabenda, Alfie Dwyer, Annemarie Wadlow, Naïmé Perrette, Jef Nollet, Erkka Nissinen, Juyi Mao, Heleen Mineur, Kim David Bots & Eliane Esther Bots.
Afra Eisma(1993 年生于荷兰)
Afra Eisma创造了充满色彩和活力的亲密世界。其作品包括植绒地毯、陶瓷、素描、绘画和织物,
Marnix van Uum(1991 年生于荷兰)
Marnix van Uum的媒介包括影像、摄影和文本。这些媒介具有描绘性质,蕴含对现实(片段)的描
绘。它们从历史观念出发——这些观念看似恒定不变——Marnix 的创作围绕上述媒体的常规,并解
其中包括“野马”和“视频通话”。Marnix 最近在阿里坎特当代艺术美术馆 (西班牙) 、错误数字双

Video still A Message From The Last Summer, Juyi Mao, 2020, United States (© the artist, courtesy by The One Minutes Foundation)

Video still Another Sea, Elina Alekseeva, 2022, Netherlands (© the artist, courtesy by The One Minutes Foundation)

Video still Dagwesus, Cabenda, 2022, Suriname (© the artist, courtesy by The One Minutes Foundation)

Video still Evidence of non-harmonious being, Heleen Mineur, 2020, Netherlands (© the artist, courtesy by The One Minutes Foundation)

Video still Forebear Forward, Naïmé Perrette, 2014, France (© the artist, courtesy by The One Minutes Foundation)

Video still Inverted Fountain, Gijsje Heemskerk, 2021, Netherlands (© the artist, courtesy by The One Minutes Foundation)

Video still Ltd_A Testimony, Mimi Shi Co., 2022, China (© the artist, courtesy by The One Minutes Foundation)

Video still pigeon, Alejandra López_, 2022, Netherlands (© the artist, courtesy by The One Minutes Foundation)

Video still Room Tone, Bob Demper, 2022, Netherlands (© the artist, courtesy by The One Minutes Foundation)

Video still STAN - Slowly Transducing Altering Notion, Jef Nollet, 2021, Netherlands (© the artist, courtesy by The One Minutes Foundation)

Video still The Alignment Problem, Hilary Yip, 2022, United Kingdom (© the artist, courtesy by The One Minutes Foundation)

Video still The coyote plays the win, meng florent, 2018, France (© the artist, courtesy by The One Minutes Foundation)

Video still The Stars Down To Earth, Margaret Haines, 2015, Netherlands (© the artist, courtesy by The One Minutes Foundation)

Video still Untitled, Erkka Nissinen 2013, Finland 2 (© the artist, courtesy by The One Minutes Foundation)